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Welcome to the Twisters Blog

We are trying something a little new this year. To help us organize and keep everyone up to date that going on at the gym we have created our very own website and blog!! We are so very excited for this website and blog and we hope everyone at the gym is too! Many hours has went into this to make sure everything is exactly right to help us grow as a gym and as a Twister Family!

This Blog is to help each parent/student with the upcoming events for the next few weeks. This is not only for The all-star teams each blog will be separated with team name and what the blog contains such as: (Storm allstars junior level 2: practice wear for week). Some blogs will be for the students if so we will state in title! Please keep up to date with the weekly blog for your team or class. Important information will be posted!

Thank you so much for your time! -Twisters Staff


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